Garmin Edge 1030 Strecken abfahren


ich habe da ein Problem.
Mit der IQ App für komoot habe ich eine Strecke von komoot auf das Edge heruntergeladen und wollte sie nun abfahren.
Sie wird zwar in der Liste unter gespeicherte Strecken angezeigt, aber wenn ich sie aufrufe, bekomme ich folgende Meldung :
" Ungültige Strecke. Löschen ? "
Mache ich da was falsch ?
Das passiert bei allen Strecken, die noch nicht mal besonders lang sind.
Ich hatte das Gerät hauptsächlich gekauft, weil es hieß sowas würde funktionieren.

Viele Güße, Alexander
  • Found the error and fixed it...

    For quite some time komoot IQ app courses did not download on my Edge 1030. Always same “unknown errror” message when selecting a course to make available offline.
    The issue happens when you have more than 100 courses in your courses folder on the device.
    What to do: connect your edge with a micro usb cable into your computer and then go to the courses folder and remove some courses (or move them to a folder on the micro SD card to keep them for later).
    Disconnect and try again.
    To Garmin: this error and the lack of support to explain and fix is an embarrassment. You should really patch this error that has been existing for a year or more.

  • Found the error and fixed it...

    For quite some time komoot IQ app courses did not download on my Edge 1030. Always same “unknown errror” message when selecting a course to make available offline.
    The issue happens when you have more than 100 courses in your courses folder on the device.
    What to do: connect your edge with a micro usb cable into your computer and then go to the courses folder and remove some courses (or move them to a folder on the micro SD card to keep them for later).
    Disconnect and try again.
    To Garmin: this error and the lack of support to explain and fix is an embarrassment. You should really patch this error that has been existing for a year or more.

  • Found the error and fixed it...

    For quite some time komoot IQ app courses did not download on my Edge 1030. Always same “unknown errror” message when selecting a course to make available offline.
    The issue happens when you have more than 100 courses in your courses folder on the device.
    What to do: connect your edge with a micro usb cable into your computer and then go to the courses folder and remove some courses (or move them to a folder on the micro SD card to keep them for later).
    Disconnect and try again.
    To Garmin: this error and the lack of support to explain and fix is an embarrassment. You should really patch this error that has been existing for a year or more.