How to get oximeter data (vivosmart 4) on a pc as we do with the heart rate data ?

I have a vivosmart 4 for 1 month and cannot see the oximeter (sp02) data from the watch in my laptop as I can with the heart rate.
I have slept several times with the watch activating the pulse oximeter and in the morning I see the graph of the sp02 tracking while I sleep. But when I want to extract the data to view it in csv (like I don't see anything on the pedometer, oximeter of pulse, body battery, or even GPS. I can only see the timestamp, heart rate, and stress level.
Can anyone help me to find the solution? Or explain to me how the watch works? (I'm out of ideas)

Mod note: moved to correct forum, Homeport has nothing to do with this issue which is why you've had no replies