VIVOSMART HR+ GPS completely useless - EPO.bin disappearing

HI all, I'm very disappointed by this device and garmin support. I saw that this problem is quite common and I actaully paid for the GPS to work. I saw differents advices but non is working, i tried:

-resetting the device;

-using express to update EPO.bit


What i manage to find out is that express (in win8.1) as soon as i sync is writing the epo.bin in the vivosmart, at least i can find it in the remotesw folder soon after syncing. But as soon as I unplug the device it simply disappears, I mean that i if replug it to check if EPO.bin is still there I cannot find it anymore. I tried safely removing the device and nothing changes. Sometimes, maybe 1 every 10 trials the file stays there but gps will work once before epo.bin again disappearing...

I wonder how many clients have this issue that it seems Garmin is not really caring about... My GPS has worked maybe 1 or 2 years after being completely unusable.