My Smart Scale can no longer connect to the net

Hi all, since now quite a time (several months) my Smart Scale does no longer connect to the internet: The upper Line of the Connection Sign is blinking (just the first stripe) and the wrench doesn't disapear after a new setup.

- I reinitiallized it

- It connects to the Fritzbox 7490 (so WLan is here) and I opend all ports - so no firewall

- but from there it doesn't get out to the internet.

So read some stuff and found out that it could be the NTP - which might not be reachable from Switzerland since quite some time and Garmin is not willing to change that. Could that be the reason? any Ideas?

Thank you,


  • I have the same issue! The other day it worked like a charm... I have no idea what's wrong

  • I just figured out my problem... but I changed quite some things... But it seems changing a setting in my pi-hole did the job;

    1. I removed the NTP Service of the Fbox - networking

    2. I use pi-hole for filtering, here I changed the DNS from cloudflare back to google. -> cloudflare is apparently giving a lot of users problems; so did you set your DNS Server manually to maybe change it to

    3. I removed Never forward non-FQDNs & Never forward reverse lookups for private IP ranges (in the pi-hole settings)

    So now my Garmin Watch AND my smart scale syncs again without any issues Slight smile

    Something from the above did the job!

    Good luck
