Is it possible to message from one Garmin messenger to another without using cellular or internet?

Under my old Inreach explorer ecosphere, I was able to send a message from my [email protected] address to another inreach address. This bypassed the internet and cellular networks as it only passed thru the Garmin servers. Is this possible under the garmin messenger system?'

  • Not sure I understand your question correctly. But when you have a inReach device compatible with the Garmin Messenger app, any message, whether it's to an inReach address, email address or phone number will go via the satellite network when there is no cellular or Wi-Fi connection available on the phone the inReach device is paired to.

  • I found the answer. Thanks for responding tho. What I needed was the unique garmin address *[email protected]". associated with my account. All messages go thru the sat net but then branch off thru the garmin server to the cellular or internet email system. It is possible to iR to iR directly thru the garmin server only. That is what I was asking about. I did not explain it very well but thank you again for the response.

  • thank you for this answer. I too am looking for a device that I can communicate with my spouse when we are both in the back country with no cell phone signal but need to communicate with each other for safety. We are considering purchasing 2 of the messengers in order to do that and have no issues with non-coverage.