Sorry if I’m posting in the wrong place, but GARMIN has closed the forums for new posts on the original mini.
I used to be able to text anyonof my contacts from the mini. Now it seems that it requires the person receiving the text, must have GARMIN messenger installed on their phone. If they don’t have that app installed, they’ll eventually get a text from GARMIN messenger saying it’s trying to reach them, but they need to install the app in their phone. Then of course, it asks for a username and password, so for those without GARMIN accounts, they need to sign up.
is this true, or am I wrong? After repeated tries this morning, it seems to be true. Note that GARMIN messenger is not compatible with the original mini. So I need to have the app in my phone only to receive messages. I hope I’m wrong. But so far, this is what it’s looking like.