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Release notes?

Just saw that Garmin just pushed out an update to the ios golf app. Any chance we can get some release notes if/when updates are published? I see that it is relatively common with other garmin lines, and would be nice to get some details. Currently the only details provided in the app store is “Garmin golf is constantly working to improve your experience”. Doesnt provide a bit of detail, nor does it show the work you all are putting into updating the app.

  • I am sorry but our APP developers do not provide release notes and have chosen to keep them internal.

  • It would be nice to at least see a roadmap.  I love having distances on my watch, but the app is practically useless for anything other the reviewing immediately after a round.

    Some great features would be (most coming from these forums)

    • Show penalty strokes on the scorecard (yes, I know it's part of the overall - so are putts and those are shown)
    • Historical performance per hole
    • A way to delete outliers in club stats (no way I have ever hit my PW 390 yds - but I have no idea what round that was logged in and I can't delete it)
    • A way to reset stats for a club (getting new irons and don't want to delete every club and re-add - just want to swap out the sensors to the clubs)
    • A way to edit fairway / GIR stats (edges sometimes count / don't count correctly)
  • Fully agree + dark mode support. 

    I am sure the team would benchmark with others to improve app such as accos as they seems to more actively listening to users’ requests