Garmin Golf App on Android Tablet does not allow "Split Screen"

I am trying to have Garmin Golf App and HackMotion App open at the same time on my Samsung S9 FE.  However, the Garmin Golf App does not allow it to be open in split screen.  Is Garmin working on allowing "Split Screen" to be enabled on an Android Tablet?  This doesn't seem like it would be a very difficult programming feature to add/allow.  Can someone at Garmin mention this to the programmers of the Golf App?  It would be very much appreciated for Android users.  Thank you

  • There are not any announcements at this time regarding features being added to the Garmin Golf App allowing the screen to be split for other applications to run at the same time, when using the features within the Garmin Golf app. 

    Android Tablet compatibility is not supported for use with the Garmin Golf app at this time per Garmin Golf App Minimum Device Software Requirements 

    Due to Android tablet use with the Garmin Golf app not being supported as a device type, and the other app you mentioned wanting accommodated within the Garmin Golf app being non-Garmin Supported...other workarounds outside of the scope of Garmin would need to be pursued in this instance. 

    I recommend posting your question with Android Community discussion forum offered by Google as there may be suggestions from other Android users to allow the display effect for multiple apps displaying with functional access to the features you mentioned wanting. 

    You can also outline in detail how you would like this feature offered by Garmin through the Garmin Ideas submission form linked here:

  • Thank you for your response/explanation Garmin-Cody.  I will pursue your suggestions.