Garmin Golf Not available on Play Store


My wife and I just bouht two Garmin Fenix 7 Pro,through JB HiFi in Australaia only two weeks ago 

We had them couriered to us in Papua New Guinea and exitedly  set them up

We rpalced two Suunto wathces, which had a ot of problems,  with Garmin 

We hike, walk and play golf and check our heath stats plus other functions  

When we loaded the watches up it recognised Papua New Guinea, in our profile, without me prompting it 

I tried to download Garmin Golfon my Samsung A71 phone  and it says "This app isnt available on Google Play in your Region"

Is this correct ?

I checked the software status on my phone and it was current

I am sure we have a range of other golfers across the coutnry who use Garmin Golf on their watch successfully

Pleasse advise





Edited: to remove personal information initially provided. Please do not post personal information here in Garmin Forums per terms of use. If you need support, contact Garmin Support in your region. 

  • Certain regions with certain manufacturers and models may not have compatibility with installation of the Garmin Connect mobile app. 

    You can still sync your device through the Garmin Express program using a corded connection on a home computer to view your sync info through the Garmin Connect website.