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Instinct 2 - 13 rounds of golf and no handicap calculated

Hello.  I did a search and I can't find this already asked...I hope I didn't miss it.

I have had my Instinct 2 for a few months now and use it to keep score when I play golf with the Android Garmin Golf app every round that I play.  So far, I've played 11 9 hold rounds and 2 18 hold rounds with it, so 13 rounds total.  Love it, by the way!  So easy to keep score!  

All the rounds are showing up in the Garmin Golf app and I can see the scorecards  and such, but it has yet to calculate a handicap for me.  At the top of the "Performance Stats" screen it shows:




Nothing there.  

Is there something else I'm supposed to do to have it calculate the handicap?  I had assumed that it didn't have enough rounds up until the point where I went over 10 kind of feels like it has enough data to work with now.