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Golf app opens randomly


Your app has a super annoying feature where it opens randomly whenever I use another app.

I have noticed that its especially when I use the camera in other apps, suddenly it opens and tries to sell me a garmin golf subscription. (even if I have one already)

This is obviously a bug, anyone else getting this? 

Huawei P30 pro running latest version of android. 

Love your software btw,  but please for the love of god open up for 16:9 support / chromecast. 

  • Hello, does uninstalling and reinstalling the golf app make a difference?

    You can also try restarting your phone. If the issue persists, please let me know.

  • Hi Rob,

    I re-installed the software and that seems to have solved the problem. Thank you!

    Do you have an update regarding portrait mode / 16:9 chromecast for the app? 

    I have made a thread for this earlier. Would love to see it!

  • Great! Are you asking about landscape mode? Currently, the app will only display the image in portrait mode (9:16). We have a ticket open to add landscape mode to the app so that it displays correctly on larger TVs/displays.

    Landscape mode should hopefully be implemented, however a time frame isn't available yet.