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R10 Home Tee Hero Scorecards Not Loading in Performance Stats

I've played several 18-hole rounds on home tee hero with the R10, but only 2 scorecards are showing in the "performance stats" feature. The other scorecards are saved in the app, but not transferring over in the performance section. I didn't do anything different when setting up the rounds that transferred vs the rounds that did not.

  • Same thing happens to me. I hope there is an answer!

  • I am having this issue also. Any feedback yet?

  • Hey guys, so I called Garmin and explained the issue. They said that it does not take your home tee hero scores and put them into performance stats. It only records scorecards. I told the rep that I have proof it does and did it originally, but I assume they disabled this function after an update. 

    Disappointing needless to say as it's a great feature to help improve your game. I submitted a request to have them re-enable it, and hope we see it soon! Hope it helps. 

  • My score cards will not save either  it's like the save button does not work, did your problem get fixed 

  • Same... It worked for a couple of days following the latest update, now nothing again. Terrible software, some of the worst I've used. 

  • It should really give you two sections in your stats, one for simulation stats, and one for real stats.

    I think it doesn't show up because most people don't want their r10 games contaminating their real life stats, especially their handicap as that may be used for tournaments.

    But to your point, savings your home tee hero games should SAVE, and your performance data for those games SHOULD BE VISIBLE SOMEWHERE.