Im not able to see the full menu within the frame, meaning I cannot see the options to edit or delete.
Is there a way to reset the frame dimensions so its not clipping the menu on the left? Thanks!
Im not able to see the full menu within the frame, meaning I cannot see the options to edit or delete.
Is there a way to reset the frame dimensions so its not clipping the menu on the left? Thanks!
Did you perhaps accidentally increase text size in your browser? Check that zoom is set to 100%. Depending on which browser you use it can happen when you press the control key and use the scroll wheel on your mouse.
Did you perhaps accidentally increase text size in your browser?
Here 100% text size . Mac. Safari, firefox, Chrome. The same problem with all of them. Cut off.
No issue on my Mac with Safari. Maybe try clearing to browser cache to see if that works?
No zoom in or font changes. Only way I could access it was to go into inspect element with chrome and bring the frame padding down from 300 to 200 :D janky but its a temporary fix. Will try on a different computer and browser though