Route planning on Explore

Why doesn't my Garmin Overlander follow the exact route that I plotted on Explore? I have tried changing to shorter or off road route calculation mode but same results. 

  • I’m not familiar with the Overlander but em general that might happen for 2 reasons:

    1- you are following a route (not a track or a course) and the map installed in your device is other than the one you used to create the route on Explore.

    2- you have recalculate set to on.

    in order to assure you are going to follow the exact same you have drew you have to follow a course or a track and have recalculating set to off.

    I was not able to paste a web link in here but search for this : 

    What are Tracks, Routes, Waypoints, Activities, and Courses on Garmin Outdoor Handhelds?

  • Hi Marcossaad. Thanks for the help. The off recalculate setting seems to have done the trick.