Why the aerial and download satellite map is not the same

Why the satellite image from the web page Aerial layer and the app or the download on the gps is not the same. On the web page i got a recent layer with all the logging open up sector around my area but when i look on the app or dl on the gps. I got outdated satellite image ?

thank in advance.

Same sector 2, different image and information. 

Image on the ios app https://www.imghippo.com/i/NeY7170yUU.jpg

on the web page https://www.imghippo.com/i/Pcn8712gVM.JPG

  • Explore web uses the satellite images from Google Maps, you can see the Google loog in the lower left corner of the map view.

    Explore app and GPS probably use the Garmin satellite images, those can be either from a different source or taken at a different time.