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URL Query Strings for Lat & Long Waypoints

Is there a similar url that works for I am trying to make an apple shortcut that I can use to easily send coordinates from the various mapping softwares to my watch. I did find some threads on here that makes me thinking using the search function might not be the best method for this. So auto-importing lat/long into the create waypoint would be the ideal url encoding that I'd like to do, but who knows if that even exists.

Garmin Explore does not show/ interpret GPS coordinates correctly
Garmin Explore and Google Maps GPS Don't Match Up

But if anyone has any ideas on how to send coordinates to garmin explore, so I can quickly add a location from the mapping software's to my watch, let me know. I do know and use sendpoints, but I like the way of doing that easier without having to bother with the hash when I am in a busy city street. If it makes a difference I am rocking an older Fenix 5S Plus.