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Migrate from Basecamp to Garmin Explore

I am considering upgrading my navigation unit to Garmin XT2 (currently using BMW Motorrad Navigator VI).
I have been using Basecamp for 10 years to track and manage my rides, and I have a large collection of trips organized into a folder structure based on year, with subfolders for each month and then trips within that month. Each year has a separate color to easily identify which year I went on the trip.
This structure gives me a great overview over which roads I have ridden and when, and I can easily filter when I took which trips to that destination... This is also very useful when planning new trips because I can select favourite segments or roads I have not ridden before with ease.

So to my questions...
Since I do not have a XT2 and Nav VI do not support Explore (or Tread), I am not able to test much in terms of functionality.

Is Garmin Explore considered to be the replacement of Basecamp and can I retain a folder structure with levels to organize my trips when migrating to Explore?

When exporting data from one year, and importing it in Explore, it merged all rides into one track, not separating that these were two trips (one day trip and one two-day trip)

I fear that I will lose alot of details and that all data will be merged in a way that makes it hard to separate.

Is there any way to prevent this?
For instance by transferring one trip at the time? (Very time consuming, but a one-time job, as I see it)

I only have routes in Basecamp. Waypoints, Tracks and other data are removed as I am only interested in tracking where I have been and the road taken to get there.

Should I still import data as tracks or as routes?
All routes have been created with fewer than 200 waypoints (usually between 25 and 50)

Imported data (since I do not have a compatible device, I think) is shown on map as direct lines, and not routes or tracks that follow the roads.

Will this be corrected if I sync with an XT2 device?

What is the best approach to move from BaseCamp to Explore?
Import DB file, or individual GPX data (either based on Year, Month or individual trips?
There seem to be restictions on files sizes when importing.
My BaseCamp DB is about 23MB and this is too large to import.
The entire collection in GPX format is 8,5MB and this is also to big.

Any advice or tips from users who has migrated is appreciated!