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Garmin Explore will not be fixed

I just got off of a chat with a Garmin rep.  After being frustrated at my Zumo XT2 not following the routes that I planned on Garmin Explore (on a pc) and verified on Tread app on my phone, I contacted support to see what was going on.  I was informed that this was a known issue, and that I should just plan my routes on the Tread app on phone.  GARMIN HAS NO INTENTION TO CORRECT THIS ISSUE!  That's what the chat rep told me, along with some technical reasons for why they couldn't do so.

I am extremely disappointed in this, as I was assured by a sales rep (a few months ago when I was considering this purchase) that I would be able to use my PC to plan my routes.

So I can either return the unit, learn to squint and program on a cell phone, or find some other way of planning routes on pc and transfer those routes to the Tread app.  Has anyone out there done this legwork yet?

  • I planned on Garmin Explore (on a pc)
    and transfer those routes to the Tread app. 

    If I have understood correctly, do you want to send a route planned in explore to the Tread app?
    I just tried it on my iPhone and it worked without any problems.
    Select the "Share" function in Explore App and select "Tread". Tread then asks whether a new collection should be created or not.

    What is the problem? Every route planned in the Explore Web Portal is also available in the Explore app on your phone. From there you can send it to Tread with just a few clicks.

    I had no problems.

  • When I plan a route on my PC using Garmin Explorer, the route might look okay on my phone in the Tread app, but doesn't translate correctly to my XT2.  Takes me on oddball side trips, and I have to restart the route to get back on track.  Garmin knows this is a problem (it's not just me) but they are not going to fix it.  At least that's what the Garmin support rep told me.  Nice that you're not having the issue, but I'm hoping to figure out how to use the larger screen on my PC when I'm planning my routes.

  • I, too, have had enormous headaches trying to create routes using Garmin’s Explore website (which a Garmin tech rep told me to do) and then exporting them to the Tread app for exporting (again) to my Zumo XT2.  I wish I’d kept track of the # of hours I’ve spent  and the # of  times I’ve contacted Garmin Support trying to get things to work.  Also, I’ve received many gpx files from fellow motorcyclists and much of the time, but not always, I’ve been unable to import them to my XT2 and have them actually work.  I think a large  part of the problem is the XT2.  Fellow motorcyclists with Zumo XT’s don’t have any problem.  

    I was recently (late March, 2024) trying to use the Explore website for creation of an approximately 25 mile-long route and export to my XT2, and finally gave up.  Instead, I went into Tread on my iPad and, after linking it to the XT2, was able to create the route with little effort.  I then emailed the route to 2 fellow riders, and we were all able to see and ride the route without any problems.  Using the iPad, with the Apple Pen, was a convenient way to do route creation, and the map rendering using Tread on the iPad was much cleaner and sharper than using the Explore website on my PC.  

  • I, too, have had enormous headaches trying to create routes using Garmin’s Explore website (which a Garmin tech rep told me to do) and then exporting them to the Tread app

    No need for Explore. Do it in Tread :