No waypoints labels on map and no way to choose one to see their labels on a map


Choose a collections with waypoints to see.

The map will show all waypoints on the collection but no matter the zoom you do labels are not showed and worst if click on the map other then zooming the screen blinks and all waypoints desapeares.


  • Hi,

    Thanks to I've learned how to turn collections visible so you can click on a given waypoint or track and see what is about. 
    Unfortunately, we still don't have waypoints labels on the map at any zoom level.:

    For some reason I can't insert any images in this apps-software forum like I can at the others...

     It's trick:

    To set Collection visibility:

    1- Go to Maps (first Icon on the bottom left)

    1- Touch the map layer icon (the one right bellow the search icon on the right upper corner

    2- Touch Collections

    3- Make the specific Collection visible by having no line through the eyeball symbol.
