Hi, I use the iOS tread app to transfer gpx track files to my Zumo XT2 via Explore syncing. I have noticed GPX files will not be imported into the Zumo XT2 (Explore App) under a number of circumstances (Although they show up in the iOS Explore app). I am trying to work out why that is so I understand how to set up the gpx files to be compatible with the syncing to Zumo XT2. Here are my observations. The gpx files do not sync for me in the following cases:
- When a collection has more than 4 gpx files, the collection wont sync. Removing one gpx file allows the collection with 4 gpx files to sync.
- When there is a "-" hyphen in the name, the gpx file will not sync. Removing the hyphen has allowed the file to sync.
- When the file has a large number of points (more than about 10,000 ish??), the gpx file will not sync. Reducing the number of points allows the gpx file to sync.
I am not sure if these 3 cases are the actual reason for the gpx file not syncing to the zumo xt2, however they have just been my observations (not proved cause and effect).
The collections and gpx files all look in order when observed using the iOS Explore app, so the issue is with the Zumo XT2 importing them and no error warning is given on the Zumo XT2 that there are "incompatible" gpx files that wont sync for some reason. Note all my GPX files contain tracks only.
Is there any kind of instruction about how to setup the gpx files to ensure they are compatible with the Zumo XT2? IE less than x data points, or less than x kb, naming convention to get them to work, restrictions on number of gpx files in a collection etc...
Sure would save a lot of trial an error to work it out. Using the latest versions of apps and firmware as of this post date.