Location in Explore App not Updating unless I Force Quit App Each Time

I've recently purchased an inReach Mini 2 - installed the Explorer & Messenger apps on my iPhone - and everything is syncing as it should.

I am having an issue manually adding waypoints in the Explore app though; the app isn't updating my current location.

 I would have thought that the solid blue triangle would always reflect my current location - or at least tapping on the red triangle under the magnifying glass in the top right corner of the screen would center the map on my current location, but neither of these things happen.

If I force quit and then restart the app then the blue triangle immediately moves to my current location and I can accurately create a waypoint from there - but as I carry on walking it doesn't update until I force quit the app and restart it again. Currently the only ways I have to save an accurate waypoint for a current location is to force quit the app & then restart it, or create the waypoint on the inReach Mini 2 and then sync it with the phone.

- Phone has a perfect view of the sky.

- I've checked to ensure background app refresh is on

Is what I'm experiencing the expected app behaviour? And if not, any idea what I can try to fix it?

Many thanks,

Cheers, Colin 

  • Thanks. It's a bit beyond me. I'm assuming that both the Explore app and the M2 upload fixes to the cloud - not sure how one would go about downloading and then re-uploading to that.

    Would be nice if we could just "control-click" and then drag a waypoint, but I imagine that that would probably have huge implications for people where the potential for abuse needed to be minimised.

    Not a "biggie" Slight smile

  • Glad it's not a biggie. As long as I have a good track, I don't care if it's mine or someone else's.

    I'll record a track while I'm out, but I'll discard it if I've already got one. I just record to get real time data while I'm out.

    However, some people like to save all their recorded tracks as a historical record.