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Foretrex 801

Hello Garmin Team!
I just adore you!
Now to the problem.
If I have Russian language installed on my Foretrex 801, I cannot transfer the track to it.
The device says that there are no tracks in memory.
If I set the language to English, everything works correctly.

  • Hello, can you provide more information on the exact steps you are taking to load the track? 

  • I contacted Garmin twice without success in the last month. I bought a Foretrex 801 and one of the features it says it has on Garmin webpage is Area Calculation. I liked the combination of the excellent precision of the Foretrex with the ability to calculate area as we are farmers in my family. I cannot find how to use this feature and there is no mention at all on the user manual. Both times Garmin said it will contact me back by email, but it's been almost 20 days already, and I haven't heard anything back from them. Anyone with a Foretrex that could help me? Thanks!

  • I don't have a Foretrex, but on my device, I go to Area Calculation on the Main Menu. Then select Start. Walk around the area you want measured, then select Calculate.

  • I will be closing this thread as we do not have a category for non-inReach outdoor handhelds. Please contact Product Support directly for assistance with your device or visit our Support Center. Support will be able to assist in troubleshooting the issue or escalating it for a possible fix.