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Is there an Explore symbol set with names (as used in GPX files)?

I've been using Garmin GPS receivers since about 2002. The units and the software never seem to have consistent symbol (icon) sets and names. I've often had to plot all the symbols into a map and then export the whole lot to a GPX file to figure out what they were called.

Is there an image of all the symbols used by Explore and the corresponding name for each icon?

I can modify GPX files from sources like BaseCamp, etc. and change the name using text replacement to something compatible with Explore. However, I need to know what those symbols and names are first.

I'm looking for something like this old list for Mapsource:

(The big question is why does Garmin have so many dang apps, and why don't they make the symbols sets the same across all apps and devices....)

  • OK, using lists of fairly recent icon sets I figured out most of the symbols. There were a few new ones that I could not find. For those I plotted them all in one area of a map and then exported the collection as a GPX file. I'll post the results in a new thread.