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Explore v4 WTF!!!

Well I have it installed and what s"""" show... Sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow... 4 hours and STILL NOT DOWNLOADED a 1.1gb  map .. ANd then there's the app am map sizes  4x bigger than previous and NO damn option to store maps on SD card ... Yep they look prettier and may be upto date but if you can't install what you need due to LACK of storage what the heck is the point;;

Moving around the app is slow and I frequently have the wait of force close message...  I also now have an extra collection I don't and should not have...No idea what or where it is from... Everything else is there but I now have this odd new one... And reinstalling previous version though wasn't great at least it was quick and not storage hungry and you can move the whole thing to sdcard(unlike v4)

A huge MIss yet again by garmin,,,,

Seriously what is garmin doing with is eco system going from ok to BAD very quickly

  • Which is what we said. Version 4 was a buggy mess, pulled from the store for that reason, and now updated version is again on the store hopefully with fixed bugs. Issues people reported before today were real, and if you did not notice any, it is just because you did not use those features of the app, it does not mean that bugs were not there. 

  • Then we are of the same opinion after all Slight smile , because I never said there were no bugs. For sure there are. They are in every software (especially Garmin's Grimacing). All I said was that I did not experience the mentioned problems and that I really liked the new Explore version. 

  • No we are not of same opinion. You just unintentionally admitted existence of bugs although your intention was to downplay issue that OP raised instead of try to help him.

  • OP did not ask for help. OP expressed his opinion that he doesn't like the new app update. I expressed my contrary opinion that I liked the new app update. No intention of downplaying anything. And also, I assure you all "admitting" of bugs was absolutely intentional.

  • I assure you all "admitting" of bugs was absolutely intentional.

    Sure. You also assured us that there were no bugs, which is not true. So much about your assurance.

    Thread is not about liking the app but about lack of functionality.