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Explore trying to send ghost update to watch

I've recently installed Garmin explore to manage my courses better for my Garmin epix pro. 

My epix pro is on the latest firmware, but Explore is always trying to "send a software update" even though there isn't one available. Lately it happens mostly when I work out (during the running activity). 

Any clue on why it's happening and what I can do to stop it from happening? 


  • I have same problem with Fenix 7. I have auto-updates disabled so this should definitely not be happening. 

    To Garmin representatives, how do we stop this?

  • Same for Fenix 7x. But you can disable the software update notification in the android settings for the explore app. 

  • Thanks but I want to stop it from sending updates to the watch, not just to disable notification and than not know if it tries to send update again.

  • I did not notice any anomalies on the watch, so I assume that it does not actually try to send anything to the watch. 

  • Good for you. Still, I want the app to stop sending to the watch and want to be notified if it tries to send anything since there is obviously a bug somewhere.

  • Then your only option is to uninstall the app, report the issue to Garmin and wait (forever?) for a fix Smile

  • I asked for something and you told me to just hide the issue by hiding notification, so that it not solution for this. 

    It is interesting that that you find that it would take forever that Garmin will fix this (or better say, to implement option to disable not-needed updates transfer to the watch). Unfortunately, based on what I see, you are right in that regard.

    Information for others with this issue: Garmin replied that Garmin Connect and Garmin Explore apps transfer updates to the watch irrelevant of any settings, and but that updates will not be installed if auto-update is disabled on the watch. I am not sure that it is quite true for Garmin Connect app, since it never notified me about transferring updates to the watch if I disable auto-updates.