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Trying to create a course - but getting a straight line when selecting longer distances

None of the questions already asked are applicable to me.  I am trying to create a course that is from Orlando to Savannah GA. When I click the starting point and ending point, the app says that it is calculating, then creates a straight line.  If I choose a location that is closer to my starting point, it works fine.  It seems as if I get further away than a certain distance it reverts to a straight line.  Is this a limitation of the app? I am using the built in Topoactive maps from my Fenix 7x watch.  I paid for the North America drivable maps, but those don't show up in Explore - only the topomaps.

  • Any help would be greatly appreciated

  • Sounds like a limitation in the app. The app is designed to create courses for outdoor activities like hiking and biking, not to plan road trips. You would not get a useful route for driving anyway as it would route you over footpaths and trails. 

    Is there a reason you want to do it in Garmin Explore as opposed to e.g. Google Maps, which is designed for that purpose?