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Is it normal for descents to be included in the climbing elevation?

My run starts with downhill part, but it's counted as10m "Climbing Elevation" as can be seen on screenshot:

downhill running counted as "Climbing Elevation"

  • Not sure whether it is the case, but it looks like there are many small dents in the elevation profile, and they all together may perhaps add up to the 10m. You'd need to zoom up the section, so that you can see whether it is really so.

  • It can be, but this is hard to believe as it's clear downhill. Can you check some of your activities for similar issues.

    Here is screenshot of same activity but viewing map elevation:

  • Why don't you simply zoom the first descent section - you will see instantly whether it is the case or not. There can be easily dents even during a descent - either when you use a barometric altimeter, then due to wind gusts, or due to irregular elevation data in the topographic mode, at GPS-based elevation. Depends also on the device you use - some are more prone to similar effects than others.

  • Thank you  for explanations. I've learn a lot from your answers in Garmin forums.

    Zooming in Explore shows a lot of dents in descent section. Wind gusts can explain this.

    So one more question remain - why is so much difference in stats shown in Explore Map/Activity mode and GCM?

    Explore shows total climbing elevation 241m/109m in activity/map mode. And in GCM stats are as in next screenshot

    Used device is Fenix 7 Sapphire Solar in auto select satellite mode.

  • Go to the activity in Garmin Connect Web, and enable Elevation Correction on the screen of the concerned activity. Then compare it with the data from Explore again. If it matches better, it means Explore uses the topographic elevation profile instead of the barometric data. 

  • There was a recent thread about the difference between data in connect and explore: