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Komoot and Courses, Routes, Navigation, TBT

Hello all

My USE Case:

  1. Create a course to follow in Komoot, because Komoot tends to prefer the most scenic route to te quickest or most popular, whereas Explore goes for the shortest distance (which results in me running along busy roads)
  2. Komoot syncs the saved course to my Garmin Account, I can see it in Connect
  3. If I all do is sync my Fenix 6 Pro and navigate that Course, it works, but I do not get TBT with distance to next turn, re-routing when I'm off-course, etc.
  4. If I then get this course into my Explore collection and sync it, same result
  5. If I copy the course to a route, it will only take those 3-4 points I explictly added and re-create the route using the Explore algorithm, resulting in a completly different course much of the time, but giving me TBT, distance to next turn, re-routing, etc.

Is there any way to use a Komoot or Strava course as a route with TBT, except for specifying every turn manually when creating the course?


  • I am quite sure TBT from komoot worked in the past. But maybe something changed. I have not used it for some time. Are you not getting any TBT at all?

    Re-routing is not happening at all for course navigation. You need to change from 'follow course' to 'use map' to make it re-route you. But using this setting, the watch will entirely re-calculate your course, so it might not be the same as you initially planned (similar that what you described when you copied your course to a route).

  • Thanks for confirming. I get some TBT with Komoot, not for all turns though, and the course turn is not highlighted as it is when you use routing. So sometimes I will miss a turn out take the wrong path at a trail fork. Think I'll try forcing Komoot by selecting every actual turn and see whether that changes things.

  • On the 'use map' setting, the watch will generate the TBT instructions based on the maps. This usually works quite well, but uses more battery and might route you on a different course than you initially planned. On the ’follow course' setting, the watch just displays instructions that are embedded in the course. Im your case, these instructions are inserted by Garmin Connect. Unfortunately, GC does a really bad job at identifying turns. Instead of using the map and add TBT instructions based on intersections, it ignores the map and inserts TBT instructions only based on the curvature of the course.