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Drive app crashing

Just recently, the Drive app crashed when I sent it a gpx file. After the crash, it wouldn’t even open. I deleted the app, reinstalled it, and repaired it with my Zumo XT. It opened fine, but when I sent it a different gpx file, it crashed again and wouldn’t open. Thoughts?

  • Got this email today: "Software version 4.16.26 has been released for the Garmin Drive app to correct the issue you reported with the app not responding or crashing when transferring .gpx files to your navigation device. Please download the latest version from Google Play / App Store, and verify that the issue has been resolved." Not sure I trust them enough to blindly update, since version 4.13.32 works fine the way I liked.

  • Hi , just downloaded, app work fine ! TNX for information

  • hi,

    Yep, just updated my Garmin DriveApp to v4.16.26 and problem solved. Let's hope it stays that way with any future updates from Garmin!