I did it, but it wasn't super easy. I used powershell to export all the movescount moves I wanted to export. What you need to do is login to movescount and identify the moves you want to export based on the moveid. Your moveids wont be sequential and can have large gaps as I suspect the id sequence is for ALL moves from ALL users so yours will have large gaps. The best way I found to get a list of ids is to go to the calendar view and change it to "select multiple". Once you do that when you click a move the id for that move will go into the URL bar. Then I just copied the moveids and put them in Excel to format them into a list that I could plugin to an array: "1","2","3"...etc...
Now the export is URL based so when you click on export FIT the url will be: http://www.movescount.com/move/export?id=YOURMOVEID&format=fit
As long as your browser holds the login session you can loop through an array of ids to nav to that URL with PowerShell and Chrome and it will put them in the download directory. Here was my script (obviously where you see the 2 ids in @array is where you would plugin your list of ids) :
$array = @("2",
foreach ($element in $array) {
$GoUR = "www.movescount.com/.../export
Start-Process "chrome.exe" $GoUR
Start-Sleep -s 5
kill -processname chrome
This just opened Chrome went to the url waited 5 seconds killed Chrome and then repeated for each move.
I initially thought to just loop from the lowest moveid in my list to the highest but with the gaps it would have had to loop like a million times. So I had to resort to getting a list of my moveids by clicking each one from the calendar.
The other thing is you cant import the move to Garmin Connect without repairing it first, so I used the Fit File Repair tool to bulk export the FIT files as FIT files to a directory. Then I used it to transfer each move using the bulk upload option which has an option for Garmin Connect. It worked like a champ! A nice program.
Now I await my Fenix 3!!!
I will say I only had 130 moves as I hadn't been in the Suunto universe that long (was previously Garmin and am returning to Garmin) so for me it wasn't a huge hassle. But if you got the time it's possible.
Hope this helps someone.
Thank you for your base script. It was extremely helpful and allowed me to pull several years of data (several hundred files) in one batch.
I found a solution to sync all dives (that are still on your suunto watch) nicely to Garmin Connect (including depth graph etc):
I’ve tested this for a non bluetooth dive watch (suunto d4i novo). My guess is that it will also work for for suunto dive watches that do support Bluetooth but then you simply sync the watch to the suunto app via Bluetooth instead of via usb cable/suuntolink.
Windows this only work for dives that are still on the Suunto watch?
My dives have migrated from Movescount into the Suunto app and I took my oldest dive and exported the FIT and then imported via Garmin Connect Web.
The activity is in connect but does not reflect in Garmin Dive at all?
Say ideas
The dives that are stil on the watch seem to have the best data quality. However for the older dives on the watch graphs do not always show op in garmin connect. For the dives that were not on the suunto watch i was able to retrieve all dives (fit files) via movescount.com>Settings>Export>Export all your data. You will then receive a zip file with all .fit files within a few days. Not all data fields are filled for these fit files but at least the basics are there and I added the rest of the data manually. You must also change the activity to "Dive" to be able to see it in the Garmin Dive app. At first the dive might not open in garmin connect web (probably an error because not all required fields are filled in), but this can be fixed via the garmin dive app.
I now have all suunto dives in Garmin Connect. The older ones not with the best data and the newer (and future) ones with nice data.
Thanks for the prompt reply.
I have the export from Movescount and when i upload the file to Connect Web the activity uploaded but the activity type is set to uncatagorized and when i try change this there is no DIVE option in the drop down. This may be why i cant see the activity with the dive detail to even manually update the fields that may require, i still have all the dives in DM5 and can transpose missing detail where needed but was hoping to not lose the dive profile/graph etc.
It may be that the export that i received from Movescount perhaps doesn't include this detail in the exported FIT file?
all my data is in DM5, but i cannot export to FIT from here. are there any other formats that Garmin support or could i possibly export to another app like Subsurface and then to FIT? the suunto device doesn't include all my dives and also has a flat battery (Sigh)
Every Activity within Garmin Connect can be changed to every Activity Type. Go to the activity page and select the correct Activity Type on the top left. Eg Diving / Diving with single gas. I can not think of a reason why this option should not be available.
Exporting files from DM5 did not work for me either. So I think you will then have to go with the movescount export and add missing details manually (pictures/screenshots can also be added).