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Chromebooks and Garmin

After searching around and not seeing answers for my questions, I'm hoping to have this be available for all future Garmin customers who have wisely decided to use a chromebook.

Q: Does Garmin Connect work on Chromebook
A: No

Q: Why?
A: Doesn't matter. There is a manual workaround, use "import" to add the Garmin Data files from your new Garmin device to Garmin Connect.
  • The first Q&A is wrong IMO. Garmin Connect works with Chromebook because Garmin Connect is only a website. It is Garmin Express that does not work with Chromebook. Garmin Express is a program that must be installed on your computer to transfer information to and from your device to Garmin Connect without a lot of repetitive user input being required. Whether or not Garmin will see fit to develop an android compatible Garmin Express is any bodies guess. I'd feel safe by saying not in the near future, but I'd love for them to prove me wrong.
  • Q: is it possible to update firmware on my FR15 using my chromebook.
    A: It is not possible at this time. Typically an alternative would be "Garmin Connect Mobile" but that is not supported for the FR 15. You must use a Microsoft or Apple product.
  • Are you sure? won't the Chromebook let you browse the files on the FR15? If so, you can probably get the update file and send it to the FR15. I might be wrong, but typically to update garmin products you just put the update file in the first directory, usually /garmin and it will install when the device is powered up next time. Update files are probably harder to find now that Garmin is pushing Garmin Express to do everything, but they are out there somewhere for download.
  • No, I am not sure. Yes I can download and save files on Chromebook, and after plugging in the FR15 it is visible in the the Chromebook file system. In theory I can download a file, and then move it over onto the FR15.

    Q: Where is the file that represents the latest firmware upgrade to the FR15?
  • That might be the issue that makes your last Q and A correct. AFAIK, to update most any Garmin device all you need to do is place an update file in the proper directory on the device. Every time a garmin device is powered on it looks for the presence of an update file and if found it performs the update whether map or firmware/software. Actually I'm not certain if this is true for the map update, but I think it is.

    Until recently, Garmin made those individual update files easy to find. Some people either didn't want to or the update utilities Garmin had didn't work for their computers, so this was an alternate way to update. In fact I believe the update utilities do the same thing.... place the update file in the proper directory to await the next power up of the device. they just make it look slick and require no user knowledge or little intervention.

    However since Garmin has now pushed Garmin Express to be the one stop do all piece of software to integrate your device to the cloud, they seem to be keeping the actual update file location a secret. At least to casual searching the do.

    ADDITIONALLY..... I may be completely wrong in all this... these are just perceptions from some experiences with the use of my Garmin products and reading of various posts in this forum. So if anyone knows better, I hope they'll set me straight.
  • You're correct that Garmin used to let users download firmware updates from their website but they haven't done that in a long time.

    If one creates a clone of their device and uses WebUpdater any updates (firmware or other) can be downloaded to the clone and then manually copied to your device. I do it all the time.
    [In theory you can do the same with Garmin Express]

    Of course you still need a computer able to run WebUpdater (i.e. a PC or Mac) to get the updates in the first place.
  • Thanks STUARTMW,

    Can you think of any reason why a Garmin FR15 firmware update file would need to be hidden? For instance you are long-time knowledgeable competent user. The firmware file is right there for you and you can use it as you see fit. Any reason Garmin would not want you or anyone else to have that capability. If there really is no reason, how about Garmin or you or others somewhere, providing me the firmware file. I'll place it on my FR15, reboot, and voila...the FR15 is brought current.
  • Can you think of any reason why a Garmin FR15 firmware update file would need to be hidden?

    I don't think Garmin is hiding it per se. I think they simply want users to use a known method of updating firmware (Garmin Express these days) rather than doing it manually to reduce tech support queries.

    ...providing me the firmware file.

    There's a few FR15 firmware (RGN) files here.

    That said I don't know what the procedure is for updating a FR15. RGN files typically require an update program (e.g. Updater.exe) to write the RGN file to the device.
  • Here is where the rubber hits the road.

    A third party source for the .rgn file, a customer with a chromebook and an FR15. It may be possible to update the FR15 firmware using my Chromebook but is Garmin going to be:
    a) pissy about it
    b) be supportive
    c) assist.

  • Here is where the rubber hits the road.

    A third party source for the .rgn file, a customer with a chromebook and an FR15. It may be possible to update the FR15 firmware using my Chromebook but is Garmin going to be:
    a) pissy about it
    b) be supportive
    c) assist.


    Can you provide a link to any Garmin fitness device that has "Chromebook" listed as a compatible device? I'm willing to be that there are just as many Garmin devices that have "Apple IIc" listed as a compatible device. Seems you didn't do your homework, and now you are claiming that Garmin ate it!