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"FTP Setting" in activity will not change

"FTP Setting" in each activity will not change even after I go into "settings" then"training zones" and change/reset FTP in the "power zone" section. How do I get the activity FTP setting to change?
  • Same issue here. FTP setting sticks a wrong value even if the value in my training zones is correct...
    Kind of annoying to see that these simple (?) questions remain unanswered after a few months
  • Same problem. FTP in activity is not the same as in my training zones. This means that the If and TSS for the activity is also wrong. There seems to be no way of editing the FTP for the activity. Any ideas ?
  • I believe there is a fix - or in fact a procedure to solve this. 

    Firstly (and this is from the Garmin website):

    Why Am I Not Getting an Updated FTP Estimate Reading for My Recorded Activity?

    A new FTP estimate will only be generated outside of a guided FTP test if the following conditions are met:

    It is important that the last two bullet points are satisfied before the device will update with a new and improved FTP.  I tried this today and it works. 

    Secondly, you must connect the Garmin device to your PC with the USB cable, then:

    -  Go to Garmin Connect in the web browser, go to the top right icon 'Devices & Sync Status' (I'm using an Edge 520), select your device, click on 'Device Settings',  then click 'User Settings' and scroll down to Power Zones at the bottom. 

    -  If your ride met the conditions listed above, your FTP will have updated automatically to the figure you achieved in your test.  If you want to override this with a different number, you can also do this. Then click 'Save'.

    -  A message then comes up to sync with your device for the setting to come into effect

    -  Sync again from software on the PC

    - Your next ride/activity should have the correct FTP setting.

    This seemed to work for me.