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Vivofit Wrist Rash

Former Member
Former Member
I've had my Vivofit now for a couple months, off and on I've noticed my wrist itching where the device rests. A couple days ago, after wearing the device during the day, I took the Vivofit off only to find a red mark on the top of my wrist. It was about 1 inch long and 1/2 inch wide, very red, burned, and itched. Anyone else having this issue? It seems similar to the issues of the Fitbit?
  • I've had and worn my vivofit for 5 years... And in the last 6 months I've started having the red/burn mark looking rash.

    At first I thought soap or something under it... Or gardening dirt. 

    I have been turning it daily - one day wearing normally and the next day rotating it and wearing it backwards on the inside of my wrist.

    Now I'm getting the rash both inside and outside my wrist.  I think this might be the end of my run with a step tracker.