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Option to show kilojoules

I would love to be able to set food energy units to kilojoules (kj). Most countries use the kilojoule as the official unit and here in Australia it's even the only unit displayed on nutrition labels. Kilocalories (kcal) are meaningless numbers to me. Since it's a simple matter of conversion it can't be that difficult to implement either. It's possible in Sporttracks.

Any update in that regard would be greatly appreciated.
  • Same here, please add the option. nobody uses Kcal outside the US, as far as I know.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 10 years ago
    I cannot understand this. There is an option for 'metric' in Connect and MyFitnessPal allows for recordings in kilojoules. So why isn't the energy showing in Connect in kilojoules, the internationally recognised metric measurement for energy?

    Is this really an enhancement request? Or should it just be there?

    Just saying!
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 9 years ago
    Another vote for being able to display energy in kilojoules.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 9 years ago
    Kilojoules please..
  • This has come up a few times and certainly makes sense - the trouble is pleasing everybody - you really need to select for each measurement type. KCal is still what the average person in the street recognises rather than Joules so its not just the US. KCal is a metric unit but not an SI unit - in the UK it would be nice to show weight in Stones and Pounds rather than just pounds which is the US influence.
  • Kilojoules option would be so appreciated!
  • Kilojoules is a must. Calorie information is not displayed on any packaging in Australia and I am assuming most metric countries such as Australia also use kilojoules.

    It is frustrating when the MyFitnessPal app that Garmin recommends has a kilojoules option, yet Garmin connect then converts and displays this as Calories.

    For an international company that has so many products and devices that convey information in imperial and metric, I cannot understand why this is not already provided.

    Please fix this!
  • So whats happening with this?!?!?
    I can't believe there's no feedback.

    Pull your finger out Garmin.
  • and I am assuming most metric countries such as Australia also use kilojoules.

    It is not that simple.

    Calories live very well in a lot of countries which have otherwise switched to SI units. Here in Denmark we are very much SI, but our food packagings still have nutrition information in both kJ and kcal. If someone took away the kcal information, there would be an uproar because a lot of us don't really have any "feel" for kJ in food, me included.

    (And ironically, I am actually an engineer who spend all my day calculating energies and effects in Joule and Watt.)
  • It is not that simple.

    Calories live very well in a lot of countries which have otherwise switched to SI units. Here in Denmark we are very much SI, but our food packagings still have nutrition information in both kJ and kcal. If someone took away the kcal information, there would be an uproar because a lot of us don't really have any "feel" for kJ in food, me included.

    (And ironically, I am actually an engineer who spend all my day calculating energies and effects in Joule and Watt.)

    I don't think anyone wants to take current info or units away. We just want the kJ option to be added. Under Armour and Garmin worked together to ensure the Connect and MyFitnessPal apps can integrate. Therefore it should be standard to allow both apps to correspond on units used.
    I do understand a lot of countries on SI units still prefer Calories, but there are a lot of people and countries who prefer to track their food intake in kJ.
    Garmin should at least support the units used in the countries where they formally support and market their products.
    I am from South Africa and 95% our food packaging nutritional info is in kJ only.