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Calorie count way off

Hi Garmin People,

Something has gone wrong with how calories are calculated. I just finished a 14 mile run and Connect is telling me I burned 212 calories. Sorry, but no.

My heart rate strap worked and the device seem to record every other aspect of the run. You can see the run here...

Please check into that. Having an accurate calorie count is helpful.


  • I am having the same issues with my 910XT. When I first bought the watch it was on v2.7 it was fine but it seems around the time I upgraded to v3 the calorie count is about 40-50% less than what it should be. I have also noticed my training effect is always 5 no matter the workout. I have tried master reseting the watch but it didn't make any difference. I hope this is a bug in v3 and will be fixed in the next version.

  • I have the same issue with calorie count on my 610, havent checked the Training Effort lately. Cal seems to be around 50% lower than what I would expect.
  • mine is the same ever since updating to 2.9 on my edge 810, did a 111 mile ride in 7 hours and 20mph headwind and only burnt 4000 calories, don't thin that's correct somehow.
  • I'm having the same issue with both calories and training effect being way off (too low). 910XT with version 3.0

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 10 years ago
    Did you ever receive a response on this post? I'm having the same problem... ran a 5k last weekend at 8 minute miles, with heart rate monitor appearing to work the entire time, the map was right on, but my calorie count was only 67. No way. Should be 400'ish.
  • I just replaced a FR70 with a FR 210 with same info on both units. First run with the newer unit was ~ 1/2 calories on same precise circuit. What?
  • Same here - I'm a 46-year old female, 5'3'', 142 lbs.

    Run about 50 miles a week. During my last marathon my forerunner 910xt (with HRM) told me I burned 2000 calories... way too low.
    In general about 2/3 or less of what it should be...
    Ran a half marathon in 2:19:49, average HR 156 bpm, and Garmin tells me I burned 756 calories - kidding me?
  • I'm having the same problem on my 910xt, and it's definitely the result of a later firmware update, it wasn't happening when I first got the watch (or on my previous 310xt). The calorie count looks about right for cycling and swimming, but is much too low when in running mode. Version 3.0 is almost a year old now, and no further updates - come on Garmin, there's enough complaining about this, time to fix the bug. There's a lot of interesting competitive products hitting the market...
  • Solution 910XT?

    Is there any vital response from Garmin side or effective solution solving the TE and calories issue available??
  • Not sure what changed, 9/20/21 I went on a 15.2 mile bike and received 1131 Cal. The next day I basically did the same ride with one exception. I used a course I setup for the same ride and received 173 Cal. Uh No!!!