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Miles per week chart

Former Member
Former Member
As a runner there is one piece of data I care more about than anything else. That is Miles per week. Helps me asses my training and injury risk.
I have used Garmin connect for 2 months and still can't believe that it does not provide a simple miles per week chart in the dashboard.
With all the data that can display and all the reports it can generate, I find incredible that the most important chart is missing.
Is anyone else missing that too? Is this chart hidden somewhere?
Sad to say, but I still keep my excel file around only for this purpose.
  • If you go to plan and then calendar you can see your miles per week.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 11 years ago
    Of course, but that is not a chart. That is a list of numbers.
    My feature request is to get those numbers and make a chart visible in the dashboard.
  • I agree with JOORDIAZ.

    I believe a 'Summary of last 7 days' should be part of the 'dashboard' screen, whether that be a chart or just simple statistics.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 11 years ago
    Biggest function the app is missing. I use Daily Mile because it's missing from here. Garmin should acquire DailyMile just to gain all the valuable charts and social media elements.
  • Is something simple like this still not available? I would like something like this:

    - Miles biked in the past 7 days, month, etc
    - Miles swam in the past 7 days, month, etc
    - Miles rowed in the past 7 days, month, etc
    - etc, etc.
  • Hi
    could you not just add the total distance report to the dashboard. This report you can configure time period (ie last 7 day last 4 weeks etc) you can hover over bars and see values
    i have this report on my dashboard and covers this scenario for me atleast
  • I've been looking into this myself and discovered this solution. I would still like to see totals automatically rather than hover over bars and add them together in my head. You can also see the individual values by downloading the CSV file. You can find the total numbers by going to Reports, Progress Summary, Pull Down Menu, Activity Distribution, Report on Last 7 Days, but that's a lot of steps and so far it doesn't seem like you can add this type of report to your dashboard, let alone add such a report to your watch, which would be ideal.
  • Good news. The latest Android update for smartphones includes a new My Day screen. Scroll down a little ways and you will find a Last 7 Days section, which gives mileage for each type of activity during the past 7 days. Now I'd like to see a similar screen for my watch as well. Maybe someone has an app to add such a screen to the watch?