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Wrong heart rate %/zone shown

Former Member
Former Member
So, I've set up my resting heart rate in Garmin connect and, I see the different zones properly. When I upload a workout in Garmin Connect, the Heart rate section shows the wrong % and zone.

Now, I've seen a few people with the same issue and, as an answer, people told them that GC wasn't transferring the data properly and, to use Garmin Training Center to do so. I find that a less than perfect solution, as there is no way to transfer only the user profile; I need to also transfer workouts. This means I need to then re-transfer my Garmin connect workouts, or create them also in TC...

From what I can see, Garmin connect does transfer my resting heart rate properly to the watch. Garmin connect also says it will transfer my zones but, there is no way for me to see the actual zones on my watch. At least, no way I ever found.

On top of that, if I go in Sporttracks to see my workout, as soon as I enter my resting heart rate there, the proper %/zones are displayed.

So, it's either something I'm not setting up properly in GC or, simply, that the issue lies in the actual software...

I will monitor my zones closely on my watch, during my next run. That way, I will know if it shows the proper zones.

In the meantime, does anyone have an idea if I'm doing something wrong in GC or if it's really the software?
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 12 years ago
    I can now safely say that the issue lies within the Garmin Connect software; it's either simply something I'm not setting up properly or, a good old bug/defect...

    In today's run, I monitored the heart rate page I set up, with the HR and the zone. The zone shown by my watch was exactly as it should, considering my resting heart rate and, exactly as set-up by me in Garmin Connect.

    Back in GC, the run still shows the % and zone to be the wrong one...

    In SportTracks, in the Analysis settings, there is a place where I can choose to see the HR% compared to my Max% or my resting HR%. I've never seen such a choice in GC. Either I don't see it or it doesn't exist...

    I would need to check with Garmin support on this, unless someone has an idea?
  • A few questions to help me understand your problem:
    1/ Have you edited the running zones at
    2/ Does the GC graph show the correct HR in BPM
    3/ Are you aware the zones are %HRR and not %HR
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 12 years ago
    1) Yes, I entered my max rate and my resting rate
    2) Yes
    3) Well, as soon as I enter a resting heart rate, the zone's BPM changes accordingly

    Let me clarify:

    in the running zones (point 1), I've set my zone 2 to be between 60 and 70%. with no resting heart rate, the 70% line shows 129BPM. If I enter my resting hearth rate (49), that line now shows 144BPM.

    When I go into a specific run analysis, my average and max rate are 131 and 141. the max rate is within my 70% zone but, the analysis says it's 76% and, in zone 2.8.

    It's important to note that, I have set the zone in one of my fields on the watch and, during the run, anything below 144 was shown as being in Zone 2.

    That is why I'm thinking there is either something I'm not setting up properly in GC or, simply a bug.

    Using SporTracks, there is a setting where I specifically specify which way I want to use (max HR or RHR).
  • Is it possible that you are confused by the fact that 141 bpm = 68% HRR = Zone 2.8 HRR = 76% MHR?
  • You may have resolved this already, but just in case. I had what sounds like the same issue with Garmin Connect. It turned out that although I'd entered the cycling BPM ranges correctly in Garmin Connect 'training zones', the zones graph in the activity viewer was using the 'default' zones settings - based on HRR percentages.
    I updated the default BPM ranges per my cycling ranges, and now the graphs work perfectly.
    What's a bit odd is that my activities were correctly flagged as cycling, but not using the cycling zones info.

    Might not be the same as your issue, but I hope this helps.
  • Not sure if this was ever resolved, but I am having the same issue with Garmin Connect and incorrect %HR; both my Garmin 405 and Garmin Connect match in terms of my resting and max heart rate; when I go for a run, my watch shows the right heart rate %, but when I upload the data, the Garmin Connect displays the right HR numbers, but wrong % (even though it is setup correctly with my accurate numbers).

    Any help/troubleshooting tips would be appreciated

  • I was confused by this as well but I think the reply from SHARKBAIT_AU is correct.
    It looks like the training zone settings are based on Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) %, whereas the activity graphs show Max Heart Rate (MHR) %.
    I validated this by comparing my training zone 2 threshold of 134bpm, 60% HRR to one of my activity graphs. A point on the graph of 133bpm equates to 72% MHR so clearly they are not showing the same percentage measyurement.

    It is odd that the system has been setup to record using one method of measurement but display with another, it is pretty counter intuitive and makes it harder for me to see if I'm hitting my target zones.
    However at least I know now that I'm not working myself harder than I thought!

    This site has some useful information about the different methods of measurement, and the training intensities they equate to:
  • I realize it is an old thread, but I still had the same issue on my Fenix 6X Pro.
    This is how I solved it (note, my watch is in Dutch so the translations may be inexact):

    solution heart rate zones in activity viewer:
    * press and hold the "up"/menu button
    * go to user profile - "heart rate - zones
    * select "based on"
    * select "BPM"
    * Go back to the "zones" level in the menu, and scroll down to the individual zones. The zones should now indicate the BPM values.

    This containment worked for me, when I do a new activity, in the Connect app on my phone, in the activity viewer I see the correct HR zones.

    Obviously this is just a containment. It should work with the suggestions made on Garmin's website. Apparently, the bug is still in there (now over 6 years!).

  • Thank you for this. The correction works and it also applies to the Epix gen 2, which is functionally the same as the Fenix 7 series.

  • Worked on Instinct solar 2 as well. Thanks!