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Trouble downloading custom route from Mapquest

I created a custom route in Mapquest, complete with turn-by-turn directions and downloaded it to my Garmin. Got in the car, and discovered that instead of downloading my custom route, Mapquest had downloaded its own default route -- the route I was trying to avoid. Has this happened to anyone? Any advice on how to easily create custom routes for my Garmin? I am NOT impressed with BaseCamp, which just crashes constantly. Nuvi 1450 LMT and Mac OS 10.6, soon to upgrade to 10.7. Advice appreciated!
  • I have exact same problem. No one knows the answer?
  • The only thing that gets transferred when importing a route on a nuvi is the start point, destination, and any explicitly set via points. Shaping points (soft vias) are not sent. The nuvi will recalculate the route on import using these points with its own map and routing preferences.

    In Mapquest, you need to convert all the via points to "stops" before you send the file to the nuvi. Right click on each via point and on the pop-up menu select "Make this point a stop".
  • Tricky tricks

    So we ran into the same problem. Thank you for posting this fix. I'd like to add the following observation/step.
    • For those new to this process, it appears that 'via' point is any one of the intermediate steps in your planned route.
    • In order to get to the right click option, you have to zoom to the point on the map, in other words, you have to zoom in pretty far on the map to have the right click option.
    • I also couldn't get a simple right click to work, it was a double right click to get the popup where you have the 'add to route' option.

    I can't download to the nuvi right now (it has left the house). If anything odd happens on download, I'll post the issues.

    Again, thanks for your post.


    The only thing that gets transferred when importing a route on a nuvi is the start point, destination, and any explicitly set via points. Shaping points (soft vias) are not sent. The nuvi will recalculate the route on import using these points with its own map and routing preferences.

    In Mapquest, you need to convert all the via points to "stops" before you send the file to the nuvi. Right click on each via point and on the pop-up menu select "Make this point a stop".