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Body Fat Manual Input

Former Member
Former Member
It would be great if Garmin Connect would allow manual input for body fat. My caliper is a pretty good one and I don't see why I should track this kind of data elsewhere.
  • Just got a 610 and I'm scratching my head why I can't enter other parameters other than weight into the Health section - seems to be a bug in your site. I really want to add % body fat and other parameters without having to "hack" the files as in a previous post.
  • Ditto

    Agreed. I've been waiting for the ability to add all the other health parameters manually since my scale is also a Tanita Body Composition Monitor, especially % body fat.

    Since the database obviously already has the fields, enabling manual input in the GUI is trivial. In fact, looking at the page code, it looks like a developer already has a place holder in the GUI. All that remains is wiring the fields to the CRUD service operations. Yes, I realize this needs to be tested too but this should be easy to add to the next update.

  • Totally agree with manual input of health information

    I do agree with this simple feature. I have another tanita model and it gives me % of water and % of total fat... Please, add manual input for these fields or I still need to have to keep my Google Docs spreadsheet.
  • I agree that these fields should be unlocked to allow manual data entry other than just weight.

    If I had to guess why they are not doing this I would say that Garmin has a contract deal with Tanita preventing Garmin from allowing the manual entry of those data fields. Why else would they not do it?
  • +1
    I would really like to manually add Fat, Muscle, Water and Bone mass manually. As others have stated my scale already gives me this and I really don't want to buy a new scale. I would rather save the money for a new FR 910XT and not another scale. Come on Garmin help us out!!
  • The lack of response indicates that Garmin is under a prearranged contract with Tanita.
    With all the complaints, I bet Garmin would love to allow us to manually input our data. Until they do, I will not take the Garmin Connect seriously and will continue using Training Peaks.
  • Just also putting my support for this feature in here! It would be a much appreciated addition.
  • The lack of response indicates that Garmin is under a prearranged contract with Tanita...

    Tanita licenses ANT+.;)

    ...The company behind ANT is Dynastream Innovations Inc....and became a wholly owned subsidiary of Garmin International Inc...
  • Hi!

    I have just bought FR210 and started to use Garmin Connect. I was really surprised that I was unable to enter my body fat and body water values manually. I already have a scale that can provide me with all this data so why not just let me manually enter this information and keep track on my health!? Seem overkill and just stupid to pay 250$ for a scale just to be able to enter this information to webpage. Especially when I already own a scale with exactly the same functionality.

    Please, add manual imput!
  • CHILLFMM, This works great. Seems like some automation could be created to allow Withings Scale support

    At least in the Edge 800 the weight information is stored in Garmin\Weight\ If Garmin does not let the manual input of fitness data but the weigth lets edit ourselves the file. Let´s use the FIT SDK for that!
    - There are many ways to generate a file we will use the following stratregy: To edit the we will convert it to a .csv file edit that file and convert it again into
    The process is as follows (with FIT SDK 1.0)
    - Download the FIT SDK from (The documentation is quite good by the way)
    - Backup Garmin\Weight\
    - We will use the java utility FitCSVTool.jar that is inside the java directory (if java is not instaled in the computer download it from
    - In the command line execute java -jar FitCSVTool.jar -b Weight.csv
    - Open Weight.csv and add the following lines (adapted to the correct values for a particular reading. If you do not want to input a particular eading leave it blanc but keep the commas. Beware the line breaks. Each line begings always with Definition or Data)
    - In the command line execute java -jar FitCSVTool.jar -c Weight.csv
    - Copy into Garmin\Weight
    - login into Garmin Connect, Upload data and select fitness data.
    - Enjoy

    - Absolutely no warranty ;-)
    - I repeat it again. Backup
    - This my first attempt. Things have to be ironed out.
    - The timestamp are the slapsed seconds since UTC 00:00 Dec 31 1989. For a particular date they have to be calculated.
    - I try to update the following fields: weight, percent_fat, percent_hydration, visceral_fat_mass, bone_mass, muscle_mass, basal_met, active_met. But visceral_fat_mass does not get updated.

    To erase a reading from a weight scale, and keep it from appearing again and again when importing, open the Weight.csv file and erase the reading. Then generate again the file.