I have a standing desk and a walking treadmil. My hands are resting on the desk most of the time, typing or writing, therefore the watch at rest on my wrist. Tried to get the foot pod but sadly these are no longer available. Bought a running dynamics pod instead.
Sadly, this does not do what it's expected to. Neither on the pants belt as recommended, nor tied to a shoe does it count the steps/distance. Ok, I do get cadence data, vertical oscilation, and all the fancy statistics, but this does not input to the distance travelled nor the number of steps.
Thank you for all the suggestions on strapping my watch to the ankle. I deadlift 120kg, good luck strapping anything to it. I sincerely hope none of us not having to strap anything to our ankles in our lives.
This is it, either I'm missing something and this is indeed a great tool or it's going back to the store as fancy but not fit for purpose.