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Edit Track Log

Is there any way i can edit my track? Ie, to remove some bad data points, or to shorten it (to the end of the trail, accidentally got some of me driving home, etc)
  • Happens all the time. You can edit an activity using an xml editor.
  • You can edit an activity using an xml editor.

    Great if you are a propeller-head, tech guru, or engineer. Kinda like telling someone to open up a hex editor to reduce red-eye in a photo :(

    For the rest of humanity...

    best advice is to use a 3rd party software package that lets you import the GPX file and graphically edit the route by dragging around the GPS points or heart-rate data. Simple and easy. SportTracks is one example, I'm sure there are others the community can suggest.
  • Great if you are a propeller-head, tech guru, or engineer.

    Sorry BENH57, too quick with my answer. Please post a link to your activity or send it to this thread as an attachment. I'll fix it for you. Thanks.

    I'm a propeller head, but I've not yet attempted to edit tracks. I have a question.

    Say I want to do something simple like excise the last few minutes of a track after forgetting to turn off my GPS. Deleting all those track points should be simple enough. However, I understand there is summary data at the start of the xml file for things like total time/distance/avg hr, etc. True?

    If so, do you just leave the summary data as it was, or is there some way to get it recomputed, eg, importing to TC and exporting again, or something like that?

  • Is there any way i can edit my track? Ie, to remove some bad data points, or to shorten it (to the end of the trail, accidentally got some of me driving home, etc)

    You can use TCX Converter to do this.
  • I am an engineer and can definitely edit the xml myself if i want. But this seems like a pretty basic feature that the website could (and should) have. Just allow me to specify an 'activity end time' (would be cool if i could do this by clicking on the track point) and it would ignore all data points after that time.

    Anyway, the activity i'm looking at is:
    Start and end should be basically at the same spot.
  • Here's a fixed version of the tcx file. You can manually upload this to GC.