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"No map data found for this activity"

I have been using my new Forerunner 405 for the past week with no problems using GC. Today however when the data uploaded to GC it displays "No map data found for this activity". The HR data also doesn't appear. The totals for the run are however shown. I Forced an upload but get the same error. Any thoughts?
  • If this is a public activity, could you post a link to the problem activity?
  • The exported TCX is only showing summary data as well, is it possible for you attach the original TCX as well? Also, what version of the ANT agent are you using?

    ETA: You can find the original TCX file in the device folder in your app data directory (believe you are using windows, yes?):
    Vista: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\GARMIN\Devices\[device ID]\History
    Xp: C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\GARMIN\Devices\[Device ID]\History\
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 15 years ago
    Hey Conor,

    I've tracked down the TCX file for the activity. For some unknown reason there was no GPS data recorded, and that's why there's no map. The summary data is available because Garmin Connect accepts non-GPS activities. My guess is that you either didn't have GPS lock before you pressed Start, or you lost signal shortly after beginning your run. If this problem becomes habit, contact Garmin Support.

    Did you try the upload to Garmin's Training Center? Is there a full map there?

  • Thanks a million for your quick responses. I have checked the original TCX files on the PC and there was no GPS data recorded; just the totals. I may have started before there was a proper GPS fix and maybe that confused it? I will try again during the week and see what happens.

    Thanks again

  • I've had the same issue, but am a newbie and haven't got to grips with the complexity of the 405 yet. Not sure how to stop it "reawakening" all the time and running out of batteries either!!!
  • With my 405, I have the GPS turned off and the bezel locked whenever I'm not using the unit. This helps keep the battery usage to a minimum.

  • Missing Map Data

    @ KK & Anthony,

    I am very impressed with your responsiveness and support.

    I have a similar question (as was asked in this thread), but believe the nature of the problem may be a bit different.

    I had 71 rides uploaded for 2007, 30 for 2008, and some indeterminate # for 2009 all to the Motion Based site. I am currently seeing 55 items on Garmin Connect. All of the rides on Motion Based had working maps; I used to check them regularly after my rides (great utility!) Many of the rides imported to Garmin Connect show no map data - I believe they are all also untitled - and I have historically given names to all my rides. I generally made all of my rides private.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


  • Many of the rides imported to Garmin Connect show no map data - I believe they are all also untitled - and I have historically given names to all my rides.

    Check my post here and see if this applies to your problem.
  • Missing stuff

    Hi Phil - thanks - looks like we are bouncing around between threads.

    I replied in the other thread.

