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URL for all activities?

Former Member
Former Member
I've been looking around at the new interface, and the FAQ, and I'm not finding what I think should be a pretty simple thing - so my apologies in advance if I just missed it.

I have my old motionbased URL, ( linked in a slew of forum signatures, websites, bookmarks, etc so that friends and family can keep up with my activities.

What's the "new" URL for the same activity listing with connect? I can link individual activities, but I'm not seeing where the primary profile URL is.


Edit: Aha, I found it! :)

This should be in the FAQ! (If it is, and I missed it, clearly I need more caffeine)
  • Agree

    Yeah, the new direct url format should be in the FAQ, along with a centralized list of which Motionbased features aren't available, which are pending development and what workarounds are available in the interim. It would be even better if the old format was available on GC (http://[username]
  • URL for activities, not dashboard?

    The form brings up the dashboard view.

    You can also use this URL form to get the activities summary page:

    but it only works if you are logged in. That is, it is useless for sharing with friends. I prefer the activities view over the dashboard view since it (1) shows more rides in a more compact form, and (2) the summary shows information which isn't available on the dashboard view, such as average speed, and (3) it shows all the summary information for all the rides on the page, not just the currently selected ride.
  • There was a post that the MB links will be forwarded to the new ones in the future. Though future is open ended!
