I cannot find any good resolution from this forum (most are very old cases nor resolution related exactly to my case), maybe Garmin SD or somebody could help me? I'm fairly new with Garmin environment and devices. Today I achieved my second Total Ascent Personal Records in indoor cycling and somehow I cannot accept it or even replace with the existing/previous one?
1. When pressing accept button, nothing happens - no errors, no actions. Tried in Connect Web and app. Same issues. Seems like the button has no functionality at all.
2. When trying to replace previous (current) with the new, I get error message by connect.garmin.com "an error was encountered when attempting to create/save the Personal Record. Please try again".
3. Tried to alter elevation (m) data and accept - nothing happened.
4. Do not want or try to reject this
Is there an issue with the environment (Garmin) or I'm something doing wrong here?