Ho know the cifre insider device fronte gatkin connect
Ho know the cifre insider device fronte gatkin connect
I don't understand what you wrote. Maybe try writing it again in your native language. We can translate it so no worries about that.
Excuse for my bad English. Inside the garmin-connect (web) for my account I have n-tracks stored. I've, also, a Garmin Edge 540 with m-tracks stored where m is a number less than n. From gramin-connect (web) how i can verify if a track is stored on the device?
You have to look at the courses on the device.
Easier can be to just send the course to the device. Then you know it is there.
The Edge can only have 100 courses. Garmin Connect can have a lot more. Unlimited maybe?
Thanks, I think that this feature can be useful to control the device from one point (PC).