I would like to manage the diferent parts of a equipment in orther to know when I should change tires, breaking pads, the chain...,
How is it possible to do this whith the Gear page in Garmin Connect web?
I would like to manage the diferent parts of a equipment in orther to know when I should change tires, breaking pads, the chain...,
How is it possible to do this whith the Gear page in Garmin Connect web?
It would be a massive pain, but you'd have to create a piece of gear for each component of the bike that you want to traack. You could use the "Other" gear type for the bike components, or you could use the "Bike" gear type
- Bike X (for the bike itself)
- Bike X tires A
- Bike X brake pads A
- Bike X chain A
Set all of the gear as the default for your cycling activities.
Ofc this will suck if you rotate between multiple bikes.
Thanks for your quick answer.
This is what I tried first. what I find is that I could record only one "Other" item for the sport "cycling". Also if I use the "Bike" gear type I can't use more than one "Bike" in the same activity.
Hmm interesting, my mistake. I assumed it would work since Garmin (strangely) allows you to assign multiple shoes to the same activity. I just tried this with a manual cycling activity and it seems to work.
So you could try using the same approach, but with "shoes". I hope the mileage feature still works as expected if you assign shoes to cycling. EDIT: just tried it and it seems to work.
Hmm interesting, my mistake. I assumed it would work since
It DOES work. I use it like this all the time. What OP probably meant is that there is a problem with assigning multiple pieces of gear as default for a certain sport. Recently I've run into some issues when I tried to set multpile pieces of gear as default for cycling although it used to work in the past. However when I assign gear to a specific activity manually, then there seems to be no limit.
Recently I've run into some issues when I tried to set multpile pieces of gear as default for cycling although it used to work in the past.
Yeah I was playing with this and the check which is supposed to prevent multiple defaults is very flaky. Depending on what order I do things in, I can set multiple defaults, but I haven’t figured out what the exact trick is. I managed to get 1 bike, 1 pair of shoes, and 2 other gear to be defaults for cycling so far.
Imo the way Garmin handles gear is really bad, although it is more flexible than strava.