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"Old" devices failing to sync

Has there been any change in how syncing of really old devices work? I have two backup devices - the original vivomove and the vivoki. Both are paired to my phone but fail to sync - there is no error message, but the last synced date on Garmin Connect doesn't change. The vivomove is paired to Garmin Express via ANT stick and same issues is happening - sync "completes" but last synced date (and data) doesn't update on GC. Interestingly, settings do sync.

I have tried all the usual troubleshooting steps (reset device, unpair, re-pair...) but nothing helped. Since I am not using these devices frequently I am not sure when this started happening - the vivoki's last successful sync date was early July (according to  GC).

  • You could install an older version of the Connect app from an APK archive such as for example It does not have to be on your main phone. If you prefer using the last app version for other devices, you can use an older phone (or a tablet) with an old version of the app just for syncing the old discontinued devices. Just make sure to use the same GC account.

  • Not helpful - I mentioned trying both the app and Garmin Express. Same result (settings sync - steps don't).

  • Because I said I tried multiple apps (even dusting off an old ANT stick and old Garmin ANT app). My question is if something changed in how old devices sync.

  • But you did not tell you already tried it with an older version. That's what I am suggesting. New app versions are no more tested with discontinued devices such as Vivoki, so there is no warranty they can still sync data from it. If you try it with an older version that you know worked all right previously, then the only other thing you can do is resetting the devices by removing the battery for a while. Just keep on mind that you'll lose the unsynced data.

  • Mate, again - the vivoki synced 2 weeks ago. I know my devices and I know how to troubleshoot. Both of these devices are still part official onboarding flow in GC app and reset/battery removal/delete & re-add doesn’t work.

    I have a simple question - was there an official communication about a change in sync protocol that I possibly missed - or is this a back end issue on GC side (It happened before).

    I am not interested in any other answers, respectfully. Thanks.

  • Mate, again - the vivoki synced 2 weeks ago

    Then install the app version from the time before that date. If the way of syncing changed in the recent version of the app, by installing the older version, you'll have the old way of syncing again.

  • ... BTW, the steps from a secondary device won't sync for the time you were wearing the Primary Wearable Device (the watch), if you have any associated with the account. However, this is no new feature. It was like that since a long time (if not always).