have connect on phone will it import data to a PC by Bluetooth of WIFI

Researching getting new watch. I found that the Garmin smart watches will only send data to the Connect App on a PC by physically hooking the watch up to the PC and going through Garmin express. In other words on Bluetooth or WIFI transfer of data to Connect App. on the PC.  Is this correct?

  • should have said, " In other words NO Bluetooth or WIFI..........

  • Connect is not an app on the PC. It is a web service that you interface with a web browser.

    You can sync by connecting the watch physically to a computer with a cable and sync with Garmin Express. Garmin Express will then send the data to Garmin's servers and then you can view that data in Garmin Connect.

    Easiest way to sync is to install Garmin Connect app on a smartphone and then add the watch to the app. It will then wirelessly sync.

    If the watch supports wifi you can add a wifi to the watch and then sync that way without the need for Garmin Connect on the phone or Garmin Express on a computer.

  • Thanks what I am looking for is the ability to view my data on the compute I have a nice 32" monitor and it makes it a lot easier to see I am 78. I do not like the idea of having to hook up my watch every day just to transfer the info/data from the day before.

    My bad I miss used the term App when referring to the computer should of said program and the app is on my phone. I now have a Fitbit and it does all this automatically. Links with app on phone so if I want I can see my data there and it automatically up dates the program, on my computer. Just FYI I already have Garmin express on my computer mainly because I have several handheld GPS and a car GPS. 

  • I prefer the web page for viewing data. There are also a few more functions on the web than in the app so it is a better way to view and handle the data.

    So, there are multiple ways of syncing and it should work just great for you. 

  • I do not like the idea of having to hook up my watch every day just to transfer the info/data from the day before.

    Just in case it was not clear from Andy's answer: you can sync the data from the watch in any of the mentioned ways (Bluetooth to the phone / with the USB cable to the computer / with WiFi directly to Garmin's server) and the data will be always available in Garmin Connect Web on your computer, regardless how you synced the data. Assuming you use the very same account on all ends, of course.

  • well i bit the bullet and ordered the 

    Garmin vívoactive 5