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Search Garmin Connect for activities with highest Training Effect

Can activities on Garmin Connect be searched to locate those with the highest Training Effect? If yes, how? If this is not possible now, perhaps Garmin will consider adding this feature and the ability to search activities for other criteria.

  • Can I search my Garmin Connect activities to find the activities with the highest Training Effect? If yes, how?

  • I'm not sure if it's possible for all activities, but in Garmin Connect Web you can go to activities, choose an activity type (like Run), and then sort activities based on training effect (if you've chosen training effect to be a field that's shown in the list).

  • Thanks for that , I didn't know one could change the filters like that!

  • In the website, not the app, you can display Aerobic TE in the list of all activities and sort (not search) by that value:

    - Open the sidebar and select Activities > All Activities

    - Click on the running man icon to the right of “All”, so that running-specific column headers are available and customizable

    - Click on the settings / sliders icon to the right of the column headers (when you hover over this, it says “Edit Activity Metrics”)

    - Drag Aerobic TE on top of one of the existing column headers (which will replace the existing header)

    - Press Save

    - Click on the Aerobic TE header a couple of times so it’s sorted from highest to lowest

    If you want to search activities by anaerobic TE, you could use the free site that syncs with Connect. It will display both Aerobic and Anaerobic TE in the list of activities. Afaik you can’t sort the list in the same way on that site, but you can search the list (so you could search for all activities with Anaerobic TE > 3, for example). It also allows you to export the activity list to CSV, so you could open the CSV in Excel and sort the list that way.

  • Thanks for this answer and the detailed instructions. Garmin Connect now displays exactly what I want to see. The days where I do 20 one-minute repeats with two minutes of rest get me my highest Aerobic TE and Anaerobic TE.