This is a recent bug, worked fine a month ago.
I haver a 1900 yard swim workout in my workout list.
In the view that lists all workouts, it shows that workout as being 5900yd. But when you navigate directly to that workout, it shows the total as 1900.
On the API response for listing workouts, it has:
Moderator: 2308425, replaced inline text with txt file
{ "workoutId": 936025330, "ownerId": 122932145, "workoutName": "Equipment Drills - 1900yd", "description": null, "updateDate": "2024-06-14T01:26:55.0", "createdDate": "2024-06-12T13:54:05.0", "sportType": { "sportTypeId": 4, "sportTypeKey": "swimming", "displayOrder": 3 }, "trainingPlanId": null, "author": { "userProfilePk": null, "displayName": null, "fullName": null, "profileImgNameLarge": null, "profileImgNameMedium": null, "profileImgNameSmall": null, "userPro": false, "vivokidUser": false }, "estimatedDurationInSecs": 3040, "estimatedDistanceInMeters": 5900.0, "estimateType": "TIME_ESTIMATED", "estimatedDistanceUnit": { "unitId": null, "unitKey": null, "factor": null }, "poolLength": 25.0, "poolLengthUnit": { "unitId": 230, "unitKey": "yard", "factor": 91.44 }, "workoutProvider": null, "workoutSourceId": null, "consumer": null, "atpPlanId": null, "workoutNameI18nKey": null, "descriptionI18nKey": null, "workoutThumbnailUrl": null, "shared": false, "estimated": true }, However, the 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